Monday, December 22, 2008


Well, I suppose it was bound to happen...
Remember when Lily had to get Synagis shots every month last winter, an immunization to help her fight RSV? Well, in order for insurance plans to cover the very expensive injections, the patient has to meet several criteria, which basically categorize them as being at high risk for developing complications from RSV. Thankfully, Lily was not technically at "high risk" for it this season; however, that means she didn't qualify for the immunizations. If she had stayed on oxygen for about a month and a half longer than she did, she would have qualified for the Synagis injections. And wouldn't you know, she got RSV! Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not complaining, and I'm not angry. It's just ironic.
Synagis actually doesn't prevent RSV - it simply helps the patient fight the infection if it is contracted. So not getting the immunizations in no way caused Lily to get RSV. It just might have helped her keep this yucky infection out of her chest.

RSV is Respiratory Syncitial Virus. It's basically a common cold virus that would cause upper respiratory cold symptoms in an adult. It can be very dangerous for babies, though, especially those with pre-existing respiratory issues like chronic lung disease. The "cold" goes straight to their chests, causing bronchiolitis. The airways get clogged with mucus, so it's difficult to breathe well. A toddler like Lily will be fine... A baby like Lily a year ago probably would have been very, very sick. Thank God for keeping Lily healthy while she grew some bigger lungs!

For now, we're giving her nebulizer treatments every 4 hours during the daytime and letting her sleep at night. She's doing fine, and she'll probably be over this within about two more weeks. In the meantime, we'll have lots of playtime at home... Lily hasn't let her yucky cold slow her down. We're still playing all day long, and she's only taking her usual one nap a day. She's just started telling me, "Mommy, nose!" or "tissue!" when her nose is yucky; and after a coughing spell she says, "water, Mommy!" What a sweet, blessed child.

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