Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

We hope you had a great Memorial Day! We went to our neighborhood swimming pool for awhile this morning, for the first time this season. I realized for sure while we were there that I definitely need to look into swimming lessons for Lily. Not really to teach her to swim, but to get her really comfortable in the water. Lily had a wonderful time at the pool, but I overreact if she even looks like she might stumble and go under the water. And I mean really overreact. I am very afraid of drowning, but I don't want my fear to hinder Lily from learning to love the water and swimming. So I think some basic swimming lessons are a good idea. I'll have to look into it and maybe get her started this summer.
After the pool today, Lily took a really long nap and woke up asking if we could go to the swimming pool. So Daddy blew up the little pool for the backyard, and we all had a great time playing. We barbecued chicken for dinner and had an overall great day at home!
Oh, and yesterday we bought Lily's new mattress for her big-girl room... One step closer to moving her into her new room! The painter will be here tomorrow; he'll be starting with the ceilings.
Here are some pictures from this afternoon. Enjoy!

This picture cracks me up!

1 comment:

Swan Family said...

I love the pictures! I have a picture of my dad sitting in the baby pool with me when I was that small! And we have one of my sister too. Too funny!