Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thin Milk

The nurse in Pedi Pulmonary called to let me know what the doctors said about Lily's swallow study from last week. They are, of course, pleased with the results of the test. Since Lily has been doing well with thin water for almost a week already, they said we can try thin milk. I just mixed a batch of thickened milk with Carnation this morning, so when that is gone we'll try milk without Simply Thick (still using Carnation Instant Breakfast for calories).

I have such mixed emotions about this! I am so very, very proud of Lily's growth and development, and I'm thrilled that she's ready to give this a try. It's been a long road, and the past year has shown dramatic improvement in her health. This new milestone is something to celebrate. But the risks of drinking thin milk are scary. Aspirating water is manageable. Aspirating milk is really not a good deal - milk damages lung tissue, and Lily obviously doesn't need anymore damage - her lungs are truly still recovering from the NICU. The doctor said to proceed with caution, but to go ahead and try. You can bet that I'll be watching every sip she takes for the first few days!

The problem with Lily's aspiration (aside from the fact that she does it at all) is that she has always done it silently - she doesn't cough, gag, choke, or give you any other indication that it's happening. So our only real indicator of actual aspiration will be fever. What if she aspirates and I don't notice a low-grade fever and her lungs are damaged and she ends up on oxyen for the rest of her life?!? (Something that bad will not happen, I am being dramatic, but that's kinda how I'm feeling right now...)

Lily is ready to try this, and I'm really excited about it, but a little apprehensive too. Please pray that her lungs will be protected.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow... look how far Lily has come! Stories like Lily's are why I love my job! Jessie, you are doing such a great job... keep up all the good work!