Monday, April 6, 2009

Prenatal Visit - 12 Weeks

Lily and I went to the doctor today for my prenatal visit. Everything looks fine so far... We're waiting on lab results for a couple of routine tests, but nothing out of the ordinary. We decided to do the first trimester screening test today, called nuchal translucency; the test involves an ultrasound to measure the back of the baby's neck, along with a blood test. We'll have results in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime I was happy to see the baby again! I didn't have an ultrasound at this point in my pregnancy with Lily, so it was really fun to see how the baby looks - it's not just a little kidney bean anymore! I don't think Lily really knew where to look on the screen, but she was talking about seeing pictures of the baby.

I gained one pound since the last visit, so far so good. Apparently all my gorditas from Taco Bell haven't caught up with me yet. I've been feeling a little better these past few days, so I'm hoping I've rounded the morning sickness corner. Still waiting for the big burst of energy, but I'm not as sluggish and tired as I was before, so I guess that's getting better.

I go back in 4 weeks, and after that it will be either 2 or 3 weeks between visits because we'll be getting closer to when I had trouble in my pregnancy before. Although there's no way to know if I'll develop preeclampsia again, the doctors will obviously be watching me closely. No more ultrasounds until 18-20 weeks, though.

1 comment:

Trish said...

I'm glad everything is looking good! I'll be 14 weeks on Thursday, and I go back to the dr. a week from today.