Sunday, January 9, 2011

Birthday Party Festivities

Lily's party was full of fun and games... When kids began arriving, we had princess coloring pages in the dining room and foam crowns in the kitchen for them to decorate with stick-on jewels and gems.  The pizza arrived earlier than expected, so we went ahead and ate dinner after these two activities.  After the pizza, we had a mermaid race where the mermaids and mermen had green streamers tied around their legs so they couldn't walk like humans, and they had to hop to the finish line.  Lily was the fastest mermaid!  After the mermaid race, the kids helped Cinderella find her missing glass slipper.  I had spray-painted an old pair of shoes silver for the glass slippers; we hid one of them and kept the other in the open to show them what they were looking for.  It took longer than I expected, but eventually Gideon and Gisele found the slipper under the couch.  After Cinderella's slipper was found, we played Kiss the Frog.  Similar to pin the tail on the donkey, each child was blindfolded and turned in a circle before taping their paper lips onto the frog I had drawn on poster board.  After I spun Gisele around, she reached out and planted her paper lips right smack on the frog's mouth!  Even Dylan played Kiss the Frog.  Prizes for all the party games were a choice of a princess fruit snack or a lollipop.

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